Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Ethan's First Halloween!

Bowling with Orion

Yesterday, we met Grandma Mary, Grandpa Mike, Aunt Michelle, Cousin Victor, and Cousin Orion for a little bowling. We actually didn't bowl because we had just come from Ethan's 9 month photo session and he was very much ready for a nap and NOT enjoying being at the bowling ally.

Orion is an awesome bowler! He had fun staying with grandma and grandpa (Aunt Mary and Uncle Mike) for the weekend.
I enjoy how Grandpa and Ethan have the same expression in this picture . . .
Here is Ethan playing with the new toy mom picked up for him at a thrift sale awhile ago. Mom finally had time to give the car ramp a good scrubbing so it could be brought into the house and Ethan could play with it!

He does enjoy it, but like all of his other toys, they take second place right now to his books. When he has a chance to crawl around and explore, he goes right for his basket of books instead of his basket of toys (usually). Currently, he is OBSESSED with the book that Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob gave him right after he was born, Spot Goes to the Farm. It is a lift-the-flap book, and Bob and Carol taped pictures of family members holding Ethan under each of the flaps. He cannot get enough of this book and cries when we put it away (Come on - we can't read it constantly!)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Since Ethan has turned 9 months now, we decided it was time for his first hair cut. I know our faithful blog readers had voted that we should NOT cut his hair, but his little mullet was just driving me crazy!
So, we put a bib on backwards to catch any hair, sat Ethan in his high chair, mom got out the scissors, and dad helped by entertaining Ethan and taking pictures.
Mom was somewhat embarrassed by her handiwork. There is a clump that got cut too far up on the side of his head. On the other hand, he looks much better without the mullet.
Mom decided to take Ethan to Cost Cutters tonight after his 9 month check-up (more on that later . . . .) to get the haircut "cleaned up." The guy ("J-J") who cut E.'s hair told me I cut too far into the hair line for him to fix it at all, but he did get out the clippers and buzzed around Ethan's ears. I must say, he looks really cute with his big boy hair cut. (Pictures to come later!)

At Ethan's 9 month check up we found out he weighs . . . .27 lbs 9 oz. He is one big guy. That's well over the 100th percentile. He's also in the 97th for length and head circumference so he's a big dude all around!

Saturday we are getting his 9 month pictures taken. . . . should be fun!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Nine Months Old!

Hurray! I'm Nine Months Old today!!
I can do so much now, like stand up and walk along the furniture . . . .
Play with a big-boy ball . . . . (From Great Grandpa Glenn!)
And pin daddy in wrestling!
I am such a big boy!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Night Night

Mom reads Ethan one of his favorite stories before bed - "Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?" Ethan loves this story so much that anytime he is crying, mom recites the book from memory and it makes him instantly laugh!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Here is a video of Ethan playing with Kyra. She really knows how to make him laugh :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Auntie Kyra

She's here for a visit tonight! Auntie Kyra decided to come and spend the night with Ethan and mom since dad is out of town, playing a gig in South Dakota with his band. Kyra visited mom's classroom today, and then we went out to eat with a couple of mom's coworkers. Ethan LOVES playing with Kyra . . . We'll post some pictures tomorrow!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Andrew's Birthday Party

Last weekend, Ethan went to his cousin Andrew's 8th birthday party! Here he is with the Birthday Boy! Andrew had a really cool Brewers party!
Ethan thought he needed to help Andrew open all of his presents. Andrew was such a nice cousin, and let him help!
Here are daddy and Ethan with Aunt Shelley and Uncle Jason. He was so happy to spend time with them!
Ethan was not cooperating for a group shot of the cousins, so Camryn decided to pose by herself! She looked so pretty in her party dress!

Auntie Cathi's Wedding

Here's Ethan with Uncle Marcus . . . .
and Uncle Bill!
After 8 years of dating, Auntie Cathi and Bill decided to tie the knot. To help celebrate this wonderful occasion, Ethan took a road trip to Waupaca where the wedding was held. He, Victor, Aunt Michelle, and mom followed Grandma and Grandpa for the 3 hour drive.

Here are the happy newlyweds!

During the dinner, Ethan, Cousin Victor, and Cousin Leah wanted to play so Uncle Bill and Uncle Mike ran an "Uncle Daycare" - it was so nice for mom to have a break and be able to eat!
We tried to get some cute cousin shots -

Leah and Victor were much more cooperative than Ethan!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tickling The Ivory

Ethan is becoming quite the multi-talented musician, enjoying both the guitar and the piano!

Here he is playing with his duck that quacks. He loves it!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hangin' out at Home

Here are some pictures of Ethan just hanging out at home being a stinker this weekend!

Here he is climbing up the stairs - don't worry, you can see daddy is very close behind. This is a skill that grandma taught him . . . .

Everyone seems to love E's chunky legs, so we thought we'd show them off here. It was crazy-hot here again today, so we let Ethan run around in his diaper and a t-shirt. Here he is checking out the entertainment center.
Ethan is obviously very proud that he crawled into the kitchen and found daddy's huge shoe!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Ethan's Buddies!

Ethan and mom got to see Isaac and Lily today! They are so cute in their matching pink and blue!

Here is Ethan posing with his buddies.

It was a crazy hot day here - 84 degrees - and Ethan looks hot and sweaty from his big day out going to thrift sales with mommy and Isaac and Lily's mommy, Theresa. (Mom had a wonderful time with her "buddy" too!)

Mom's best find of the day was a duck puppet that quacks! Check back for pics of Ethan enjoying his new treasure!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Time Flies . . .

Wow, I can't believe it's been since Sunday that I've posted a new blog. Ethan apologizes to his dedicated blog readers that there aren't more updates, but he is one busy boy these days, not to mention his mama running around like a wild chicken!

Last night we both went to bed at 7:00 and slept until 6 this morning. For some reason, mom is still exhausted tonight.

We'll post some cute pics after our weekend! Ethan is excited to see Lily and Isaac and go to his cousin, Andrew's birthday party!