Monday, September 28, 2009

(above) Ethan helping daddy get ready to play in the marching band for Oktoberfest in LaCrosse.
(below) Ethan helping Macie with her bath. (What a great little helper we have!)
Here is Macie exploring some awesome toys at Theresa's Discovery Toys party!
A very pregnant Carrie, mom, and Theresa . . . what a fun day with friends (sorry you didn't get in the pic, Kyra!)
Our happy little "Macers."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Relaxing" Saturday

I LOVE being home on Saturdays with my kids! It is precious time and so much fun. That being said . . . I need to recap my day so far which will explain my decision to put "relaxing" in quotations . . .

5:30 AM: Ethan wakes up and is ready for the day!! Daddy and mommy roll over and delay getting up as long as possible. Meanwhile, Ethan decided he needed some company, so he went in Macie's room, turned on her light, sat in her rocking chair, and started chatting with her.

5:30- 6:30 AM: In an attempt to get Ethan go to back to sleep, mommy lays in bed with him for an hour. Although he does not fall asleep, this was some nice cuddle time! (Daddy and Macie hang out downstairs)

6:30 AM: The day begins! Dad and both kids are downstairs while mommy makes beds and straightens up the upstairs.

7:00 AM: Daddy leaves for LaCrosse. We're on our own! (Ethan refuses to get dressed all morning and runs around in a diaper.)

8:00- Macie goes down for her nap; Ethan has a huge diaper which requires a bath.

8:30 - Mom and Ethan do some baking. Ethan is quite the involved little helper, dumping in ingredients and eating up as many apple slices as he can while I am cutting them. We made banana bread and apple crisp. Yummy!

10:00 - Macie wakes up and both kids are occupied with a Baby Einstein movie while mom cleans the kitchen.

11:00 - Lunch time!

11:30 - While reading books to both kids in Ethan's bed, I touch Macie's back and notice my finger is brown and sticky. Time for bath #2 of the day. Macie's baby bath tub goes in the big tub and Ethan gets in the big tub behind her to "help" give her a bath. While mommy is putting new clothes on Macie in her room, Ethan decides to sit in Macie's tub with all of his clothes on.

12:00 - Change of clothes for Ethan; more books for both of them; bottle and rocking for Macie.
12:34 - Silence - both are napping. HOORAY!!!!!!!!! Mommy is going to watch her Friends DVD!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fun Weekend!

We had a very busy and fun weekend! On Saturday, Grandma, Macie and I went to my cousin Mimi's baby shower. It was fun to hang out with family there. She looks so cute and is excited for the arrival of her little girl in November.
Today we met my good friend Angela and her family at Teddy Bear Park in Stillwater. We hadn't seen each other for about 2 years so it was really fun to get together! We loved seeing Lily and meeting baby Finn, who is exactly 1 week younger than Macie.

I was quite impressed with Finn's excellent posture!
The babies enjoyed "playing" with each other, which really meant sitting near each other and swiping at each others' faces every now and then . . . Macie made poor Finn cry a few times . . . She is very curious, but hasn't quite learned how to be gentle yet!
We enjoyed a yummy picnic lunch.

What a good lookin' family!

Ethan LOVED being able to run around and play. He especially enjoyed climbing the rocks and playing in the sand. He's quite the daredevil - right after this picture was taken, he took a leap off of this rock into the sand! Quite a big jump for a little guy!
When we got home tonight, both kids were exhausted and, after much needed baths, went to bed early.

It was so awesome to spend time with good friends and loving family this weekend!

Monday, September 14, 2009

round 2

It was yet another 3 1/2 hour bedtime routine for Macie tonight. All the times and events are pretty similar to the post a couple days ago, except that instead of one huge spit up on mommy, she spread it over 3 shirts throughout the night, and instead of a drive we opted for a stroller walk tonight. Also, it was a more pleasant experience with less screaming on her part and more just smiling and wanting to be awake. Otherwise, it was pretty much a repeat of the other night. Maybe you're thinking we should just plan on putting her to bed later?? That sounds great, except that she is super fussy and tired at 6 PM every night . . . hmmmmm . . . not sure what to do.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Enjoying the last hot days of summer . . .

Ethan had fun running through the sprinkler!

Our happy girl . . .

Friday, September 11, 2009

3 1/2 hour bedtime

Last night's bedtime routine took 3 1/2 hours. It's amazing I didn't pull all of my hair out. Here's a breakdown:
  • 5:55 PM - Macie is fed and sleeping! I'm sure she's out for the night!
  • 6:00 - Begin Ethan's Bath (trying for an early bedtime -very tired kiddos!)
  • 7:00 - Leave Ethan's room after reading to him, laying with him, etc.
  • 7:05 - Macie's up. We let her cry, we try to feed her, we let her cry, we give her Orajel, we let her cry, we give her Tylenol.
  • 8:00ish - Macie throws up about 8 ounces of milk all over mommy and herself. She gets a bath; mommy gets a clean shirt
  • 8:30 - Mommy, Ethan, and Macie are all trying to sleep in mommy's bed. Macie is less than cooperative and Ethan keeps saying, "ssshhhh, Macie! Quite voice!"
  • 8:40 Ethan finally falls asleep in mommy's bed.
  • 8:45 - 9:00 - Mommy and Macie go for a drive. Macie's out like a light
  • 9:00 - daddy puts Macie in her crib, then makes a loud noise when he bumps into mommy in the hallway, thus waking up Macie.
  • 9:30 - after another bottle, some rocking, and music Macie is finally asleep
  • 9:31 - mommy crashes

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend at Holcombe

Here is Macie enjoying a swing ride . . . and swimming in the pool!
Grandma and Ethan had fun swimming too.
We hung out outside at Paradise Shores. There was a live band and Grandma was making Macie dance on the table.
Uncle Bob took Ethan down the inflatable water slide. Ethan went in his clothes because he did not want to take time to change into his swimming suit.
He also went in the bouncy house with cousin Leah! How fun!
We had lots of yummy food. We were celebrating Great Grandma Betty, Great Grandpa Bob, and Great Aunt Geri's birthdays.
Here are Great Grandpa and Uncle Bill grilling.
It was so wonderful to reconnect with family! Here is Christine, Jeremy, and Leah.
Auntie Lizzy had so much fun with Macie!
I am so blessed to have an amazing family!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to Daycare

Here is Macie modeling her back-to-daycare outfit.
She has lots of good friends at daycare. Jordan and Gracie love to play with her!
Ethan and Jordan reading . . .
Ethan with one of his new trucks at daycare. He loved playing with it, and it was very hard to leave it at the end of the day. Big tears.
Both of the kids absolutely love going to daycare which makes it so much easier for me to be a working mom! What a blessing Candace is to our family!