Ok, so here's a little recap of our last couple weeks:
1.) Macie seemed sick so we took her in and the Dr. said she had a virus so didn't give her any medicine
2.) Mom got strep throat
3.) Macie was still sick so we took her in and she had a double ear infection with 1 ruptured ear drum
4.) Daddy got strep
5.) Ethan got strep
6.) Macie STILL seemed sick so I took her in yesterday to find out she STILL has a double ear infection, (the antibiotics weren't working) blisters on her throat from hand, foot, mouth disease, and she's teething. No wonder the poor girl is up all night screaming!!!
Last night every time I went in when she was screaming, I picked her up and she fell right asleep in my arms. Unfortunately, the moment I laid her down in her crib the screaming continued. The only solution was for daddy to go in and give her a bottle - she refused to take it from me, but would take it from dad, and then put herself to sleep.
It's been a rough couple weeks! Things can only improve from here!!