Thursday, August 26, 2010

Finger painting!

Theresa, I know you've been missing our collages, so here's one for you!! :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Macie's 18 month pictures!

Macie Kate turned 18 months on Saturday and we celebrated by getting her pictures taken at Target!
She is so much fun these days!  Here are some fun facts about 18 month old Macie . . .

* Macie is talking up a storm!  My favorite thing she says:  "I love you!"
*Her favorite show is Dora.  She LOVES Dora and Boots.  She even likes to repeat the Spanish phrases she hears on the show, which is funny!
*She loves to play with her brother - I love it when they make each other laugh!
* Macie's favorite book is "On the Day you were Born."  She asks for it by name each night before she goes to bed.
*Unfortunately, I think we've entered the "Terrible 2s" already.   One of Macie's favorite words is, "NO!" and if she doesn't want to do something, she will let you know!

I will miss my little girl when I go back to school next week - she brings our family so much joy!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Picinic in Madison

On Thursday mom, Grandma, Ethan, and Macie went to visit Uncle Luke in Madison.  We found a park and spent the day playing and eating a picnic lunch!

Auntie Lizzy happened to be in town for the day, so she joined us!
Here we are playing in Uncle Luke's apartment . . .
What a fun day!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ethan's last day of parachute class.  He's quite a parachute expert now :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Weekend in Milwaukee

We had a fun-filled weekend in Milwaukee with Grandma Mary's side of the family!  Above is cousin Lizzy holding Macie.  Unfortunately this was taken right afters she fell and hit her head - poor girl!

Below is Uncle Tom making Macers laugh!
Sweet baby Kaydin (My cousin Becky's son) and Auntie Cathi.
Brother and sister, just hanging out at the picnic.
It was fun to have a sleep-over at Great Grandpa Bob's house!
Here is Ethan with his cousin Leah.  They are only 1 week apart in age so it's so fun to have them play together.  Leah was a great friend to Ethan at the zoo, where he was having kind of a difficult day.  At least they got to see the flamingos together!