Sunday, November 18, 2012

100 Lawn Mowers/ Auntie Rose

Ethan has reached his goal of getting 100 lawn mowers hung up in his room.  He made his room look very "fancy."  He is now working on printing out, cutting, gluing, and hanging up 100 trucks as well.  Since starting Kindergarten we are so excited with his interest in cutting and gluing that we are allowing this to happen.  He has shown such awesome growth in his fine motor skills!  His teacher even e-mailed this picture of him to me on Friday morning to assure me that his coloring is coming along nicely . . . (look how proud he is)

Today Ethan and I went to visit Auntie Rose in the hospital.  Her cancer, which we thought was gone, has come back and is in her liver and bones.  She is pretty sick, so I have visited her with both kids a few times throughout the week.  Ethan was a good boy at the hospital - He asked the nurse when her birthday was and then told her the day of the week it fell on ("December 19!  That's a Wednesday!")  He did the same for the lady who was working in the cafeteria when we went down to eat some lunch.  :)  We are praying for Auntie Rose throughout her struggle with cancer.  It is hard to see her in so much pain.  Between Macie and Ethan, we are trying to keep her spirits up.

Ethan playing guitar with daddy in the basement -
My little bee and police man on Halloween!