Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Mike and Aunt Jenny!

Ethan helped celebrate Grandpa and Aunt Jenny's birthdays yesterday. We went out to eat with Victor, Oliver, Ben, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Michelle, and Aunt Jenny. We were causing quite a ruckus at the restaurant with 3 toddlers and a 4 year old, so we decided to move the party to our house after we were done with our meals. (On a side note, Ethan had to have a time-out in the car at the restaurant for YELLING very loudly, and then hitting mommy in the face! I REALLY hope this phase passes quickly!!!)
Unfortunately Ethan had to go to bed as soon as we got home, so I have no pictures of him celebrating, but here are the birthday boy and girl (above) and a cute pic of Oliver and his mommy below.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Keep up the good work in the restaurants, Ethan. Why don't our parents get that we just don't like them?! My mommy tries that time-out thing on me too... I think she read it in a book or something. Hopefully our moms will get together soon and then we can embarrass them in public together!

Your Friend,

P.S. My mommy thinks you are pretty adorable!