Saturday, March 28, 2009

Some Recent Pictures

Ethan and daddy get to spend quality time together in the mornings when mommy sleeps in with Macie. It's the trade off for me getting up with her in the middle of the night - daddy gets up early with big brother. Apparently, they squeeze in some guitar lessons as well! They also play football "Daddy, HUT!"

Macie has been sleeping well! Last night she slept 6 straight hours, from 11-5, and then another 5 hours - until 10:30! We bring her car seat upstairs into her room and she sleeps in there. It works so much better than sleeping in her crib - I think that feels too big and scary to her. She also seems to love the lullaby CD I've been playing which is all Beetles songs remixed into lullabies!

We've been spending lots of time with Grandma! Ethan finally started saying, "Grandma," mostly when he hears it during the song, "She'll be coming around the Mountain" ("oh she'll have to sleep with grandma when she comes . . .")

Some highlights of life with a 2 year old and 1 month old -

1.) We LOVE Tuesdays around here! Why? It's Garbage day! It's the best day to look for trucks, which is Ethan's new favorite hobby. On Tuesdays we can look out the window to see lots of trucks where as most days we have to go for a walk to go "truck hunting" so all I hear all morning is "Go, Truck!" - Translation: "mommy, take me for a walk so we can go truck hunting!"

2.) When considering where to go out to eat, we no longer choose a location based on what the food tastes like or what type of cuisine we may be in the mood for- we base our decision solely on whether it is an atmosphere tolerant of sqawking kids - We have found that Pizza Del Re and mall cafe courts are usually our best options.

3.) 4-5 hours of sleep in a row is considered a "great night's sleep!"

4.) I actually ENJOY watching Raffi. Trav has become very interested in him as well and has spent lots of time perusing his website. Who would have guessed?

5.) We have to say phrases such as, "Ethan if you don't take those fruit snacks out of your ears, I'm going to have to take them away!"

6.) When I'm driving and see 3 school buses in a row I think, "I wish Ethan was riding with me so he could see those!" Because I know his delight would be overwhelming!!

7.) My heart melts when Ethan hugs and kisses his sister or goes and sits by her just to spend time with her.

1 comment:

lil'lil' said...

Kristen, I love your blog posts--always entertaining! 6 hours!!! I'm totally jealous! Good work, Macie.