Little Miss Macie has been enjoying her bouncy seat and batting at the animals in her baby gym. She was up pretty much all day yesterday so I am getting to know her personality a little more. She is so happy, calm, and content. Such a sweetie pie! Oh, and not to mention big! She's already in 6 month sleepers!
Ethan has been enjoying piling up all the pillows and blankets on the couch and jumping on them!
A little joke Ethan likes to play on us is pointing at random people out in public and exclaiming, "mama" or "dada" depending on their gender. He loves it when we dramatically say, "THAT'S not mama, I'M your mama! (or dada)" He laughs and laughs - however I have a feeling this little prank may be awkward for the poor stranger acused of being his parent!
That used to be Lily's favorite joke, too! It's a classic!
Oh, too funny! Can't wait to hear what other fun things Mr. Ethan thinks up!!
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