I LOVE being home on Saturdays with my kids! It is precious time and so much fun. That being said . . . I need to recap my day so far which will explain my decision to put "relaxing" in quotations . . .
5:30 AM: Ethan wakes up and is ready for the day!! Daddy and mommy roll over and delay getting up as long as possible. Meanwhile, Ethan decided he needed some company, so he went in Macie's room, turned on her light, sat in her rocking chair, and started chatting with her.
5:30- 6:30 AM: In an attempt to get Ethan go to back to sleep, mommy lays in bed with him for an hour. Although he does not fall asleep, this was some nice cuddle time! (Daddy and Macie hang out downstairs)
6:30 AM: The day begins! Dad and both kids are downstairs while mommy makes beds and straightens up the upstairs.
7:00 AM: Daddy leaves for LaCrosse. We're on our own! (Ethan refuses to get dressed all morning and runs around in a diaper.)
8:00- Macie goes down for her nap; Ethan has a huge diaper which requires a bath.
8:30 - Mom and Ethan do some baking. Ethan is quite the involved little helper, dumping in ingredients and eating up as many apple slices as he can while I am cutting them. We made banana bread and apple crisp. Yummy!
10:00 - Macie wakes up and both kids are occupied with a Baby Einstein movie while mom cleans the kitchen.
11:00 - Lunch time!
11:30 - While reading books to both kids in Ethan's bed, I touch Macie's back and notice my finger is brown and sticky. Time for bath #2 of the day. Macie's baby bath tub goes in the big tub and Ethan gets in the big tub behind her to "help" give her a bath. While mommy is putting new clothes on Macie in her room, Ethan decides to sit in Macie's tub with all of his clothes on.
12:00 - Change of clothes for Ethan; more books for both of them; bottle and rocking for Macie.
12:34 - Silence - both are napping. HOORAY!!!!!!!!! Mommy is going to watch her Friends DVD!
Way to keep your mom on her toes! And to think all that happened before noon! Can't wait to hear what the afternoon holds!
Hey Kristen,
I love reading your blog. Your relaxing, WOW, but I'm glad to see you love it so much. You've really become a great Mom, and person for that matter. Keep up the great work. I can't believe how grown up Macie is getting. I just saw her a couple of months ago, and she could hardly move. She'll be up and running soon. Also when I saw Ethan with the trombone I immediately saw your dad. Thinking of dads, say hi to Travis. And tell him he's doing a great job too.
Hope to see you soon, Love uncle Bill
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