Sorry I've been ignoring my blog for the past week. I really have nothing too exciting to report . . . Let's see . . . Macie isn't feeling well - she was up late last night and the only thing that made her happy was sitting in my lap, so I let her watch my Sunday night shows with me. Who knew she was such a big fan of Extreme Home Makeover!? She keeps cracking us up with her funny antics and is soooo determined to get whatever it is she has on her mind.
Ethan is really into spelling words. He loves to ask us what words (especially animals) start with. He usually knows some simple words if we spell them out for him (hot, cold, snow, truck) but the other day I asked him, "What does T-R-U-C-K spell?" and he replied, very seriously, "diapers!" So . . . of course Trav and I cracked up and he said everything spelled "diapers" for awhile . . .very funny. Also, he has asked to go on the potty a few times recently. Might we be seeing a glimmer of hope in the are of potty training? One can only hope.
Maria likes to list the letters she sees on things and then automatically thinks it is a label... for example on the toilet she spells out "K-O-H-L-E-R, that says Potty!"
Whoa Mr. Smarty Pants!
Hope little Macers feels better soon!
Sounds like you are grooming EJC to be the next National Spelling Bee winner! The last few winning words were:
However, I think in the 2 year old category "snow" will win it for him!! Way to go, EJC!
Theresa, we will start working on those words . . . Maybe he'll have them mastered by the time he's mommy's age! (BTW, I am the worst speller ever . . . hopefully he gets the spelling gene from his daddy).
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