Here are some updates about life at our house:
Ethan has been really into the book "Chicka Chicka 1,2,3" and pretty much has the whole thing memorized. If you have a preschooler who's really into numbers, I highly recommend this book! He gets really excited when the 0 joins with the 10 to make 100. Whatever makes him happy, I guess we'll go with it!
He's also been really into spelling words. He knows how to spell his name, "writer," "truck," "blue," "hot," "cold," "mom," and "dad." He loves asking what letter words start with, and then he'll just improvise on spelling the rest of the word. For example:
Ethan: "What does "vacuum" start with?
Mom: "V."
Ethan: "V-e-t-h-a-n spells VACUUM!!!!"
(Repeat with "U" and "ukulele") Very funny :)
Oh, and potty training is going pretty well! yay!
Macie is such a happy little one year old! She LOVES books now, too, and she'll sit at her basket of books for a long time, looking at them by herself. Sometimes she'll grab one and walk it to an adult that looks like they might read to her. Very cute! Of course all other activity stops to read to her!
She's starting to say some words too. No one else would probably recognize them, but mom and dad definitely do! She says "book" now and we're pretty sure she's said, "blue." She also says, "chicka chicka boom boom!" (you can tell what book gets read a lot around here!)
And some other exciting news: She's finally getting some hair! At least enough to put a little barrette on the top :)
So that's life around here - well the good parts anyway! Life with a 3 and 1 year old has been very challenging lately. Ethan is prone to sudden and intense melt-downs and tantrums, especially when he's over stimulated. Macie is very strong willed and insists on getting what she wants! So, they keep mom and dad our our toes! On one hand we're looking forward to them getting a little older and independent, but on the other hand, we realize these fun years will pass way too quickly . . . .
You are so right! These years go so fast...what two little blessings you have in your life! I love the way you enjoy your children...there's nothing better!
Wow, those are some smart cookies! Someday we will be bragging about successful our strong willed and independent children have become. I have to keep reminding myself they are GOOD qualities...
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