Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bowling with Orion

Yesterday, we met Grandma Mary, Grandpa Mike, Aunt Michelle, Cousin Victor, and Cousin Orion for a little bowling. We actually didn't bowl because we had just come from Ethan's 9 month photo session and he was very much ready for a nap and NOT enjoying being at the bowling ally.

Orion is an awesome bowler! He had fun staying with grandma and grandpa (Aunt Mary and Uncle Mike) for the weekend.
I enjoy how Grandpa and Ethan have the same expression in this picture . . .
Here is Ethan playing with the new toy mom picked up for him at a thrift sale awhile ago. Mom finally had time to give the car ramp a good scrubbing so it could be brought into the house and Ethan could play with it!

He does enjoy it, but like all of his other toys, they take second place right now to his books. When he has a chance to crawl around and explore, he goes right for his basket of books instead of his basket of toys (usually). Currently, he is OBSESSED with the book that Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob gave him right after he was born, Spot Goes to the Farm. It is a lift-the-flap book, and Bob and Carol taped pictures of family members holding Ethan under each of the flaps. He cannot get enough of this book and cries when we put it away (Come on - we can't read it constantly!)

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