Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sawdust City Days

Ethan and his cousins, aunts, mom and Grandma went to a fair here in town today. The kids got to make macaroni and fruit loop necklaces, which served as the perfect "on the go snack."

Ben and Oliver got to help paint this big plaster hand . . .
but Victor and Ethan just had to watch - we were afraid the paint would go right into their mouths!
Here are all the cousins - it was a beautiful day to be outside!
We all went for a carousal ride. Ethan HATED it. Granted, it went REALLY fast! So, mom had to whisk him off his horse and put him onto one of those stationary benches they had. That was a little better.
Ethan had his first experience getting his teeth brushed tonight, and it went well! He loved it, in fact. I think it is going to become part of our nightly routine, after bath time.

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