Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hurray for Tot Spot!

Grocery shopping has gotten to be an issue around here lately. It really doesn't get done often. This morning we were down to bagels and salsa in the fridge - probably not a nutritious lunch for Ethan.

I can't take Ethan with me shopping - the minute he gets bored he screams, tantrums, and tries to escape from the cart - not fun!

I don't like to go in the evening when Trav gets home because I like to relax and spend some time together as a family, plus I usually just don't have the energy at that time of day.

Soooo . . . I remembered my sister mentioning that Festival Foods has a spot you can drop off your child while you shop. I took advantage of it this morning - it was wonderful! I think it's the only store around that has that service and it is so awesome. I was able to take my time strolling down the aisles slowly picking out what I want while Ethan had a blast playing with all the toys.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this exciting news with everyone :) It's amazing what makes you happy when you are the mom of a toddler.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is awesome! I wish we had a Festival Foods!