Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Under the Weather

Poor Ethan has a fever and a cold. He was up quite a few times the last couple nights (as was mama). It's hard for the little guy to breath when his nose is so stuffy.

Today he was with Grandma Mary which was great so she could give him some extra TLC. Later in the evening when I picked him up to hug him and he was so hot! I took his shirt off and it felt like his armpits were on fire! He was just not himself - very quiet and not wanting to eat.

Also, mom's cousin Lauren came over for awhile after school today, as he will be on Wednesdays for awhile. It was great to have Ethan's big cousin over to play with him. He was very good with Ethan - gentle and patient - a wonderful big cousin!

Here are the boys chillin' out . . . .
After Lauren left we gave Ethan a cool vapor bath and put him down. He looked miserable and was shivering! That is so hard for mom and dad to see. Hopefully he will be better in the morning!

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