Sunday, May 16, 2010

Play Date and Water Play

After I had recovered from my bought with strep throat, we decided it was time for some fun.  So, today the kids and I made a road trip to St. Paul for a play date with my good friend, Angela, and her two cuties, Finn and  Lily.  We walked to this fantastic park and had a blast visiting!

It was a perfect day for hanging out with friends!  Thanks for having us!

When we pulled into the driveway, Ethan immediately noticed the neighbor kids enjoying their hose and pool, so we had to get out our brand new sprinkler and have some outdoor fun!  The weather was so warm we just couldn't resist.

Macie wasn't so sure what to think of the water . . .
This taste of summer made us excited for more to come!

1 comment:

angela said...

Nice legs little miss!

We had a great time--thanks for making the journey up to see us us city folk.