Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Big Boy Walking!

Tonight was a very big night for us! I know I posted before that Ethan had taken his first steps, which was true, but tonight he was a walking MACHINE!!! Usually Ethan goes to bed between 6 and 7 pm, but tonight he was in such a great mood, and so full of energy, we kept him up until almost 8:30, just playing with him and enjoying him - - - and working on walking! It was so fun. As you can see, he still needs some practice, but he is definitely walking! Yay!

If you turn your head and squint a little, you can see the video just perfectly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it! That is amazing! It is SO much more than he has done previously...he's all of a sudden walking! Well, I'll be darn!