Friday, August 8, 2008

The Zoo, The Mueseum, and a Play Date

Ethan has been busy this week! On Tuesday we went to a little zoo nearby with Grandma Mary. The best part was the petting zoo where we got to feed the goats, and see a cow, horse, and donkeys. Ethan, however, was more interested in watching what the "farmhand" was up to, and running around of course.

Here's Ethan "riding" a bear statue!

Near the zoo was this fun park where Ethan could swing and slide!

On Wed. we went to the local Children's Museum. It's smaller than the one in The Cities, but it is perfect for Ethan. We met Ethan's cousins Ben and Oliver there, and his Aunie Jenny. Ethan's favorite activities there were going up the stairs and down the slide, driving the car, and playing with the trains.

Yesterday we had some friends over for a play date (Sofia and Miriam). It was very fun having them over and Ethan played well with them while mom and their mom got to chat. In the afternoon mom headed for her classroom to start tackling the job of getting her room put together, while Ethan had a blast staying at Grandma Mary and Grandpa Mike's house!

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