Saturday, December 6, 2008

Moving Man

Ethan and daddy had a fun day together at home while mom went to a baby shower in the cities (picture will be posted later . . .). Before I left this morning, I watched Ethan figure out how to move the couch! Yes, that's right, he can literally slide the couch and move it to where he wants it. This happened this morning when his ball went under it and he was determined to find it.

When I returned home this evening, I was debriefing the day with Trav and asked if Ethan moved the couches anymore. He replied that he hadn't, but is now skilled at moving the end tables around. So, if a toy gets stuck behind a table, he can just slide it over and retrieve the lost toy.

Good to know our two year old can rearrange our furniture for us if we so request!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I meant to tell you, Ethan climbed on top of me to get his nuck on his the answer to "Does he climb on something to reach something?" is "Yes", that is if you can substitute a 'someone' with a 'something'!
Love, Grandma