Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Are you sick?"

Poor Ethan has been really sick with strep throat and an ear infection. Since he still talks in questions much of the time, here are some that we've been hearing frequently. (When he asks a question, it's like that's what he wants you to ask him so he can say, "yes." I know - very tricky - it's like he speaks in code ;)

"Do you want to lay on the couch?"
"Does your face hurt?" (Referring to his throat)
"Mama lay with you?"
"Are you getting sick?"
"Are you OK?"
"Do you want some medicine?"
And . . . my personal favorite . . . "Do you want a bucket?"

OK, that's a quick update. As for Macie, it appears that her cradle cap may be resurfacing, but we are unsure . . . . more on that later . . . It's an exciting place around here!

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