Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Very "Gonwa" Christmas . . .

Yesterday we traveled to the Milwaukee area to celebrate Christmas with Grandma Mary's side of the family. It was a blast!
Above, Macie and her Great Uncle Bob share a laugh . . .
Below, my cousin Mimi and the newest member of the Gonwa clan . . .Natalie!
Above - My Aunt Cathi and Cousin Lizzy :)
Below - Me and my cousin Amy from St. Louis - such a treat to see her and her little guy, Parker, who is just a few months older than Ethan.

In the above picture, Ethan and his cousins were having a blast playing with a sheet that was hanging up in the basement.
Below, Victor and Macie are sharing a moment.
The Gonwa clan . . . all together . . . and laughing, as usual :)
Macie got lots of time to hang out with relatives. Here she is with Great Uncle Bill and Great Aunt Lit.
Our family Christmas picture. . . . it was the best we could do . . .

1 comment:

Lynn said...

LOVE the family picture ; ) Also love the picture of your mom and all of her siblings!