Friday, April 2, 2010

Play Date

Today we had some special visitors - Lily and Finn! We've been waiting excitedly for them to move closer to us, and now that they are just 1 state away, we will be able to play with them much more often! My favorite time of the day was when both of my kids went down for their naps and Angela and I got to catch up. How great to reconnect with a wonderful friend. The kids must have worn each other out, because Finn fell asleep as soon as he hit the car seat, and Ethan took a 4 hour afternoon nap! (Things were a little too crazy to think about taking pictures . . . )

This afternoon I told Ethan I was making a grocery list and asked what he would like me to get at the grocery store. His first response was, "food." He then got more specific. "Cookies, cupcakes, cake, and birthday cake!" That should be an easy shopping trip!

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