Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ducklings Love

One of Ethan's 6 month pictures from Sears . . .
Ethan has become very interested in books lately. His favorite right now is "Ducklings Love." Mom snatched it out of Grandma Mary's Garage from a box of leftover supplies from her office at school. Ethan just LOVES this book. As soon as mom or dad get it out to read it he starts giggling and laughs through the whole thing. It is super cute. The book is about things that ducklings love, like walking in a line and eating bread crumbs. We went to the library this evening to search for more duck books - we'll see if any others can measure up! He also loves his rubber duckies at bath time, so maybe it's a general love for ducks. . . .very fun!

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