Monday, August 6, 2007

Family Picnic

Ethan, mom, dad, and Grandma Mary made the journey down to Milwaukee in the new mini van for a family picnic with Grandma Mary's side of the family. It was very fun! Here is a picture of Great Grandma Betty and Great Grandpa Bob making their entrance!
Ethan got to hang out with his cousin, Leah. They are only a few days apart in age. They are so cute together!
Here is Auntie Lizzy playing with Ethan. Mom, dad, and Ethan stayed with Liz and Mike Sat. night in Waukesha. We had lots of fun with them!
Do you like my new hair-do?
Here is Ethan playing with Great Grandpa and Grandma. He stole Grandpa's hat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I laugh every time I see Ethan's new hair do!...what a kid!
Love, Grandma