Friday, April 24, 2009

Well, we went from sweater weather yesterday . . .
to summer weather today! It's fun dressing Macie in all of her cute clothes! The sweater above was made by Kyra's mom (love it!) and the outfit below was a hand-me-down from a friend . . .

Macie had her two month check up today and the Dr. said she is doing well. She is 13 1/2 pounds so she's growing fast! (97th percentile) She got her shots which was heart breaking- I never heard her cry so hard! But as soon as I held and fed her, she was back to her happy self.Ethan got lots of sun playing outside today - it was over 80. He and Macie got a very special surprise in the mail - some new books from Lily and Finn (thank you!!!) Ethan LOVES the Yummy, Yucky book. He finds it completely HILARIOUS! We just got it delivered this afternoon and I already almost have it memorized!
He was cracking up in the bath tub as we named all the things we could think of that are Yummy and Yucky.

1 comment:

lil'lil' said...

Those are some cute smiles, you two! You must have a pretty funny mom!