Sunday, September 2, 2007

Baptism and a Bar-B-Q

Ethan had a very busy day today. This morning, he and mama went to Clear Lake for Lily and Isaac's baptism. It was very fun to see the twins and they were so good in church -they didn't make a peep! And I must say, Ethan was a very good boy as well. Here is the happy family. How special that Isaac and Lily's daddy got to baptize them! Later this evening we went to Elk Mound for a Bar-B-Q at Cousin Ben and Oliver's house. Aunt Michelle and Victor, Grandma and Grandpa, and of course Aunt Jenny and Uncle Drew were there also.
Ethan LOVED playing with his big cousins, crawling around on their deck. He also enjoyed borrowing Oliver's swing.
He got to watch Uncle Drew, Ben, and even Grandpa Mike on the skateboard ramp.
Cousin Victor has such a sweet smile!!

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