Friday, March 7, 2008

Go Cards!

Mom had the day off of school today to watch the high school basketball team play at State! They won the game, which was super fun to watch. I got tears in my eyes a couple times because it's just so exciting! Also, their coach was my absolute favorite teacher in high school, so it was fun to watch him in action on TV!

Later this afternoon, grandma came over and gave Ethan a little hair cut. Thank goodness it turned out MUCH better than the one mom gave him when he was 9 months - she just took a little off the bangs. I didn't get a picture, because my job was to hold down his arms and sing to entertain him.

On the subject of haircuts, however, I do have this picture tucked away in my computer. It's the haircut Ethan got when he was 9 months, and I was too embarrassed to post it at the time. Now that a few months have passed, and his hair has grown back appropriately, I will post the atrocious hack-job I did a few months ago! It's always easier to laugh at ourselves after some time has passed!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Yikes! I'm turning you in to the authorities...