Thursday, February 19, 2009


Ethan is celebrating his last day of being an only child by being a total stinker. Luckily, (sort of) it's a stinker in a cute way (with a big smile on his face through every naughty thing he does) instead of in a whiny or crabby way. Here are some antics from this morning . . .

Mom was sitting on the chair in the in the baby's room talking to a friend on the phone and Ethan was elsewhere upstairs playing. Usually he can be trusted out of sight for awhile and he just plays with his own toys. Well, when I came to find him, he had pulled all of my jewelry box drawers out and had found my very fun and interesting bracelet that Grandma Mary had given me for Christmas. Before I could say NO he stretched it and it broke, which made beads go flying everywhere. He laughed with delight and began collecting them to put in his MOUTH! AHHHH! So I had to chase him around (keep in mind - he's quick - and I'm having a baby - tomorrow - mama's not so quick!) and take the beads out of his hands and mouth. He thought this was a great game while I was terrified that he was going to choke!

In other news, he is climbing up on everything which a lot of times results in falling and crying. Today it was climbing on his book basket to get a nuk from the top of his dresser which ended in falling and crying. Yesterday he fell out (jumped out??) of his crib for the first time. Today he figured out how to take his dresser drawer OUT of his DRESSER! Not sure if he was trying to use it for a step stool or what . . .

Of course, the thought that keeps going through my mind is, "What am I going to do when I have 2?????????" Wish me luck :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An early congrats to you for tomorrow and enjoy your last day of being a mom of 1! It takes a while to get life situated to a new normal, but it happens, I promise :)
